When we think of spirituality, odds are we think of that realm of existence that is very ethereal, divine, and connected to God. If we’re a bit more pervasive with our spirituality, perhaps we consider all of life as the practice, and recognize each interaction and every encounter as an exploration of God. Or perhaps we think of symbols, signs, messages, and synchronicities: the magic. Or perhaps […]
Read MoreHoly Smallness
There is often so much focus around letting yourself take up space, around coming into your greatness, around embodying all that you are. Yes, great, true. Yet also, remain small.
Not small in the sense of shying away, holding back, belittling your greatness. Small in the sense of microscopic, in the sense that as we disappear into the truth of our being, we may discover the miraculously infinitesimal size of our focus which may penetrate through anything and everything and, in doing so, merge with just about anything. Know—on a sensual level—just about everything. Feel, in a deeply intimate way, just about anything—like momentary feelings that may surprise us, delight us, and obliterate us beyond imagination, where each experience has us returning to profound presence, gratitude, and humility, again and again. Small—in the sense of Holy Smallness.
We must remain Holy Small if we are to remain true, because they go hand in hand. To be true is to also be small, and to be in the humility and precision of this Holy Smallness is to also be true. And what is so wild and amazing about this Holy Smallness is that despite its tiny size, it is somehow also the most expansive, connected, widest thing in existence. It is the telescope to Divinity itself, the laser beam of love, the extraordinary gaze of openness and welcome, the very lens of God itself. By allowing ourselves to drop into the quiet depth and portal of this small awareness, we may discover the profound nature of our interconnectedness, and realize that through this very lens, this very Holy Smallness, we may enter into just about anything—and in a beautiful way.
Through Holy Smallness, we may cross borders without ever crossing a boundary. We may somehow allow the fragrance of love to jump from the lens through which we see and enter into the perception of the other, thereby disintegrating walls, melting plastic “no trespassing” signs, all by doing the only thing we can really do to offer love in this world, which is to Just Be, and Be True.
And it’s through Holy Smallness itself that the mumbo-jumbo of our manufactured smallness loses its power to keep overtaking the beauty of our being. Through Holy Smallness, our exotic fragrances have space to rise through us and beyond us, sharing its deliciousness with the world. Again, just by being. Just by allowing our focus to align and Self-correct! (I say “just,” but we all know it is a big journey to let the patterns of our focus unwind and rest in a loving space. I like to say the best thing we can do is simply “just keep coming back.”) It’s a path, this Holy Smallness. It’s the path of meditation. It’s the path of Love.
The Beginning of My Life
Sometimes I get flashbacks of random moments from the past. Like 11 years ago when I was still in the music industry, walking past coffee shops on Main Street in Santa Monica, feeling so small and displaced.
The flashbacks always feature a random moment, but they’re mostly of the feeling. The feeling is always the same. It’s smallness and displacement. It’s letting the need for acceptance control who I was.
I’ll be meditating, and a flashback will come. It used to feel like a haunt. But now, I get curious about these things; focus on closeness, pray for integration. Sniff my way through the dark to whatever makes me shudder.
The flashbacks don’t make me shudder anymore. It’s still a peculiar thing–to see a scene from the past like that, and such a forgettable moment.
But oh, the cultural despair. The soul-displacement. The smallness. The pain of the cultural conditioning–and man, the Western conditioning is just a total soul bully. The pain of going through the motions–of succumbing to the blatant cultural lie that “this is how life is.” I found out that it’s not.
Life does NOT demand that we negotiate with our souls. That we live with some unquenchable thirst for living in alignment with our souls. F*ck no. Billions of people drink that drink–I know because I was served it daily for decades–and no one has to. We do not have to dumb down and numb out to survive.
We all have the ability to face ourselves; to let the layers shed; to dare to find out that we’re not who we thought we were. We all have the ability to self-inquire and discover the ways we have been impacted by our culture, our families, our peers. To decide NO MORE, and instead–to take risks. To let the whole house burn down. To dive into the unknown. And to see what happens. This was the beginning of my life. What about yours…?
If you’re lucky, life will destroy you at least once while you’re alive.
If you’re lucky, life will destroy you at least once while you’re alive. Bring you to your knees, pulverize anything and everything you thought you knew to be true—anything and everything you relied on as firm ground—and take you into the belly of the goddess, where you may finally get to know who you really are, again or for the first time. In this lifetime, I find myself in Pluto’s school a lot. (Though I wouldn’t say it’s “hard”), It’s not easy. And my god, is it worth it. Sips of gold and grime as I’m churned in the cauldron of goddess’s womb, that I may hear her speak from deep within her, that she may disorganize and reorganize me as needed, that she may birth me again and again into real life. I want nothing else—but REAL life xx .
Don’t fear your deaths. Or do, but enter them wholeheartedly anyway. Or don’t, and then you’ll be dragged. It’s good in here—in the belly of the goddess. It’s dark, but the fires warm. It’s dark, but the stars keep visiting. And more. Unspeakable more.
Yes: I was drinking from a broken chalice, and so goddess took me.
The Gods Want What They Want
The gods want what they want. Lately, these words have been coming to me over and over again like a refrain.
The gods want what they want, which is to say, (and sorry to the new agers for saying it): We don’t have as much almighty influence over things as we might like to imagine. Endless limitless manifestation, perpetual abundance, perfect relationships, and unending happiness–with no devastating or difficult interruptions... maybe, or maybe not!
The more I experience, the more I am humbled by my experiences. Yes, we are incredibly powerful beings and hold within us the profoundly creative energy of God. Yes, we may pray, and as I like to point out, we are, in fact, *always* praying, always manifesting. But perhaps it is best we don't confuse our participation in the whole thing as our control over the whole thing.
Devastation invariably comes, and not because we have done anything wrong. Not because we needed to learn some big lesson that, if only we had learned earlier, we could have avoided the whole mess; we could have avoided all the pain. No—it's not like that at all.
Devastation, struggle, and discomfort come for the single reason that we are human, and we are humans through whom myths are being born. We are humans through whom stories are being told. We are humans who can break open in ways unimaginable when our lives shatter or strain in some way. Yes, we can collaborate with Spirit in shifting our consciousness, our beliefs and so on so that perhaps we will mainly, mostly, (completely, dear god!) learn through loving and gentle ways. But maybe not.
The gods want what they want. The myths of our lives remain a mystery to us as we live them. We will learn what we will learn, however we will learn it. Somehow, mysteriously, the difficulties we face, the devastations we go through–they are just the School we're in.
Indeed: When it’s excruciating, when we are wrecked by life, it’s not because we did something wrong, or because we are somehow not good enough, not awake enough, not empowered enough. No one is above the mythic, mysterious experience of life. Please toss away that notion once and for all, and take your place in the human family.
That devastation and great disappointment come on their own has been the greatest learning of my life, and I am eager to share it with you. I used to look in every crack, in every corner to discover how I created each challenging thing I experienced in my life. Great understanding and growth came from this, but not always. Sometimes, that practice veers on spiritual masochism and does not reveal the truth or growth we are hoping to discover. Sometimes, it is little more than a dead-end of misunderstanding about our powers and life. Sometimes, the truth is simply that we'll just never know why certain things happen the way they happen, and that they certainly didn't happen that way because of any lack or shortcoming on our part.
Sometimes, it just has absolutely nothing to do with anything we could have ever affected or changed. We are human beings, after all, learning how to rest and writhe in the fire (and the beauty!) of this life.
And so it is. Now I put this out in the spirit of mercy: Please, please stop believing in some future version of yourself that you’re becoming that doesn’t go through the shit. That belief in and of itself is the shit, the oppression. Instead, try this: Forgive yourself. Forgive what must be forgiven. And then look around, and take your place in the family of things.
We are all—every last one of us—in this together. And thank god for that.
Embracing Duality as a Catalyst for Change
Hi Beloveds,
The following is a message that came to me through Elijah while in Bali in February 2014. What to say? It’s wonderful to take all of these things lightly and receive from it whatever golden nugget is in there for you.
from Elijah and Sky
The truth of existence is that there is nothing. From nothing comes something. Without nothing, there cannot be something. And so it goes.
This is the masculine and the feminine. The nothing is masculine, there is nothing, from nothing you make something, from nothing something can be created and something is feminine, the creating is feminine. You can be in the nothing, or you can be in the something, or you can work with both at the same time, as they are inherently halves of one thing and inextricably linked.
When you embrace the nothing as fertile ground for something, then peace comes, one-ness comes, rhythm comes from that space of emptiness, or likewise, you can just enjoy the emptiness and relax in the peace, and that can be satisfying. But something always comes. The universe is always creating. There is always life force ready to explore itself in new expressions.
If you rejoice in the something as the work of god, as the divine feminine exploding from that peaceful silence of the masculine, then you begin to hold the energy of how things come to be. And when you begin to feel that, to feel the resonance of that truth and the essence of that divine power saying Yes within you, you begin to celebrate that, work with that, and you embrace that.
Something is the expression of pure love. Nothing is the basin of pure love. Both are extensions of pure love, both are pure love. When you hold onto the masculine for dear life, when you hold onto the peace the solitude, you exclude life. You deny life, you push away life, you become afraid of life, afraid of the feminine, of the flow, of the seasons, of the force of nature.
When you hold onto it, you’re attached to the nothing, you’re identified, you’re in the mind, and you’re hurting yourself. This is not an embodiment of truth. You have to allow the feminine to flow. You have to embrace the grace of this duality. This is the original duality. The duality of truth. And you have to embrace this and learn it and value it in order to live in the new golden age that is coming, that’s been planted and is sprouting now, because it is up to no one but us, and there can only be us. The heavenly spirits wait for us to us to realize: the choice is ours. You are waiting for yourself to realize: the choice is yours.
And what right do we have to not create, to not be full expressions of our divine nature? To not fully explore this power and open to this power to share what is meant to come through us? You think you have power, you think you have power. But you can’t have power. The only power you can have is the conceptual kind, which is not really power at all but an illusion, an illusion that takes over your mind and makes you sick and confuses you about life. This is not a power that comes from your soul or the truth. This is a trick you play on yourself.
Those who think they have power, those who regard themselves as having power are usually people who also regard themselves as being very intelligent and very smart. And that is funny and that is ironic. Because you cannot have power. And to actually know what power is you must realize that it is not obtainable and it is not yours, and that real power is something that is within the soul and within the awareness.
Real power is that which comes through us from that divine energy, from God, that carries on after this life and forever. Real power is the essence of that which is, is the life force of this universe, of love, and the energy of creation. And if you’re intelligent, you look for that and see that and you feel that, you feel into that.
If you’re really intelligent, you remain alert for the moment that you’re ready to realize the power you thought was yours was never yours, and the power you thought you had was never power, but an illusion, a conceptual power. If you’re really intelligent, you’ll be willing to see you’ve been playing a game with other men for ages, just to maintain your self, and if you’re really intelligent, you will know, you will sense that it is time for that game to crumble.
And the really intelligent men and women will step forward to allow, to let that crumbling happen. The really intelligent ones will step into true power and into the true changing of the game, to herald it into truth, into real intelligence. The really intelligent, powerful ones will not let fear stop them, or that they’ve spent so much time building, studying this or that stop them, or worrying about what neighbors and peers and coworkers think stop them… for if they do, they will be left behind. In history books, those men and women will be remembered as the ones who stuck to a collapsing paradigm just to hold onto an idea that they’re powerful, secure and “intelligent”: just to hold onto concepts.
And if you are afraid of starting over, if you’re afraid of stepping into this, into this new way, this golden way, that’s okay. All you can do about that is just breathe into it and recognize that fear as an illusion, and refuse to let it control you, refuse to let it make your decisions. Not with resistance, but simply with a redirection of awareness. And just pick up the pen and draw. Take out a piece of paper and draw.
You may need to start again as a humble child exploring life, but with you readiness: it will come. And it can come like a flash of lightning before your eyes, the moment where you realize you are ready. The moment you realize you are ready to feel, to hold, to know how you can give, how you can share, how you can contribute and create for this change. The only difference between me and you is that I realize my readiness, I realize the readiness within me and I surrender to that readiness. I cast away the excuses of the mind, the fears of how I might be judged and received and just share that which is coming through me, choosing to trust the expression of God. It’s a re-orientation.
Everything is nothing, and from nothing comes something. The two are inextricably linked, are two parts of the same things, twin flames, two reflections of the same one thing. So, there is nothing to worry about. No matter what, there will always be a something to your nothing. And no matter what, something, something true, something real, something fulfilling is always incubating in your soul, is always being nurtured in the nothingness, and is always ready to spring forth from you, as soon as you allow and realize your readiness to be YOU.
Anecdote: You must remember that nothing in the world, absolutely nothing in the universe contains more energetic power, more capacity to empower and create change, than the power of light. Inevitably, no matter what darkness there is, whether in your heart or mind or in this society, when the light comes: it ends. It’s impossible for it to be any other way. So when enough people come together and turn on the light, when enough people come together in total embodiment of the light, the change happens. You will see, it will be. It is impossible for it to be any other way. Darkness has no power, it only thinks it has power. It has tactics, sure, but no power. When the sun is out, try to impose darkness. When the lights are on in a room, try to impose darkness. It is not possible! You only think darkness has power because it makes you feel alone, and it holds the energy of your fears. But it is all a big trick, a big game. The light extinguishes darkness 100% of the time and it always will. And effortlessly, at that, simply by virtue of its existence and its presence. It is the only way and you will know it and you will be it as soon as you allow yourself to be You.
1 Without something, there can be no nothing. There can only be a void. And while the void is there and the void is real, that energy is real, the truth is that existence is always twitching to create. There is always life force that is ready to explode into something new, ready to explore itself in new expressions.
Life as a Happening
This morning, while reading “I am the Gate” by Osho, (one of my bibles), I came across these words and am reminded…
We have front row seats in this masterpiece of life. We come into this dimension for a relatively brief moment in time to explore, to allow, to experience life on this plane. May we remember this deeply and not take it all too seriously. We are here as a happening to get these front row seats we desired, to enter in form to play with life here, to be able to create in this dimension. That which we seem to be will come… and go… and in the most beautiful, profound way, none of it “matters.” When we begin to connect with that and to allow ourselves to be a passive channel to life…. and (here’s the key part, to me) to allow that channel to be infused with the energy of that which it “desires”… meaning that which feels right, that which one is guided towards…. then we get to play with life, in life in a deeply powerful way… taking none of it personally, allowing it all in surrender… and responding by placing our focus on that which we desire.
The Power of Prayer
Two days ago, I had a bad fall and as a result, could hardly walk or sit down without support.
Read MoreThe Essence of Pain
In the past, I had an undeniable experience of miracle healing. Six years ago, I had really hurt my foot and could hardly walk.
Read MoreRemembering Your Freedom
Deep within all of us is a knowing. A constant, unchanging knowing. A knowing that watches while all else changes: the seasons, the moods, relationships, weather... all.
Read MoreAs I walk, I pray.
We are always praying, whether we realize it or not, simply because we are always reverberating a vibration that communicates something. Affirms something. And is beckoning the likeness of that affirmation towards us—godspeed. 🙏
As I walk, I pray, because my feet are talking to the Earth with each step. Reverberating a message into the world. Vibrating a statement. Singing a song. Affirming whatever I am focused upon. 👁
We can pray with awareness that we are always praying—which, in this context, means *giving off a message that yields creation, manifestation.* As I walk, I enjoy bringing my attention to this profound reality: That the simple act of walking is a prayer, that simply to walk with presence and gratitude nourishes the Earth, the airwaves—holds me in grace... That to walk aware of the prayer of my being STRENGTHENS the call of that prayer. The prayer of love, of respect for my relations—the people, the plants, the animals...the prayer of creativity, alignment, blessings, humility, connection..... 🔥
YES: We may behold the prayerful cycle of life, in continuous dialogue with Spirit, affirming simply through our attention, infusing the breath, the walk.... Ah, the beauty way of life 🙌 🌎🌺🔥🌸🌳 .
Don't Think About It - FEEL About It
“I’ll think about it” is one of the more common things we hear and say on a regular basis. When considering just about anything from casual plans to what we’re having for dinner to larger things like where we might go on vacation or where we might move to, the default pause is that we’ll *think* about it. 🕸
While, of course, thought has its place, if is often overemphasized in these moments. Often, what we need to do first is simply feel into what is right for us/the situation in a given moment. To drop into the body and feel where it is leading us. To connect with the intuitive voice and hear what it says. And then—and only then—think about it. Then the mind can enter the picture to support the intuitive voice. 🌟
Here’s what I mean: If I thought about it, I’d want pizza for dinner. If I felt about it, I’d realize my body needs soup and that tonight, pizza feels a bit like the opposite of what I need. Once the answer of soup comes, then the mind turns on to explore recipes and gather ingredients and get me to the shop to get what I need. 🍜
Another example: If I thought about it, I’d definitely go on that date with Jordan because he’s smart and good looking, has a good job, is nice—he looks good on paper. But if I felt about it, I’d hear my body and intuition reverberating a simple no, letting me know that while he seems great, he’s just not for me, for mysteriously reasons forever unknown that lead me correctly and lovingly along my path. 💋
So please, don’t default into thinking about it. Each time you say “I’ll think about it,” may this post inspire a little bell to go off and prompt you to reorient and first ask yourself, “Ah, wait. I’ll feel into it first. What do I feel?”
Welcome to the Temple of Today.
Welcome to the Temple of Today means: the shrine, the holy place is this very day itself. We are always walking amongst the altar of a thriving temple: the trees, the grass, the singing birds. The breeze, the shining sun, the moonlit nights. The voices of hope on barren lands, the healing songs sung to precious waters. Falling leaves, vines wrapped around trees, smiling eyes, crying eyes—the altar never ends. ✨
That we live in the never-ending flow of Today; that the sun always comes up and the moon rises each night and we wake up again and again into TODAY tells us, reveals to us, that Today is all there is. Today is the temple, the holy place, where we may love and thrive and cry and die, where the ground will be glad to be soaked with our tears, where our bones will be held, only to rise again from these deep places into the light of day, still in the Temple of Today. 🌞
We never arrive at tomorrow; where is it? It can only be Today, always, which is why Today feels SO BIG. Which is why Today feels like all there is. Because it IS all there is. And the sentient being feels that and gets the magnitude of the moment; but then the mind misinterprets that feeling of magnitude into a feeling of permanence. And fears that the difficulties faced in this moment may never end. 💧
The Temple of Today is always changing. Today may feel difficult, it may feel painful, we may be going through challenging chapters, but it will change. We may be going through high chapters too, which will also change. It feels huge because it’s TRUE that whatever’s here right now is ALL there is, but only for this moment. Understanding the root of -why a moment’s difficulties feel like they’ll never end- can be very helpful in dissolving its psychic roots. 🕸
Tread lightly in the Temple of Today, watering the Earth with your gratitude for being alive, and letting her hold your bones when you simply cannot find the will. Because the moon will rise, and the sun will too, again and again, and like all living things, your moment will live, and breathe, and die, and be reborn, over and over again, in the same momentous Today. Love xxxxxx Sky.
Comparison is Forbidden
Comparison is forbidden.
Read MoreClearing Up the Misunderstanding: Peace = Death
While death brings us to peace, peace itself is not death. We can live in peace and still have a life full of moments of excitement, thrills, intensity, and so on.
Read MoreTo Truly Listen
The extent to which we are capable of intimacy--with ourselves, life, and others--is dependent upon the depth, sincerity, and discernment of our listening. A good relationship depends on it. A meaningful life depends on it. A rich, yummy, fulfilling experience depends on it too. And a prosperous business. And a […]
Read MoreDancing The Wild Dance Of YOUR Life
We live in a time that requires us to step into all change that beckons us–with fullness and totality. Whatever Spirit is calling us into is needed on not just a micro-level, but on a macro-level as well. Sometimes it may seem […]
Read MoreOpening the Doors
It is time to open the door. Reach out your hand and pull the handle, no matter how splintery or heavy it is–and open the door. Pull open the door, even if you have done it a million times: Open the door once more, fresh and clarified. Open the door to what you have […]
Read MoreWho Are You Without Your Script?
Are you aware of your script? What are the words that declaim your most certain of challenges? "I have no time." "I never get it right." "No matter what I do, it's never good enough." "They always […]
Read MoreChanging the Scene - A Technique for Presence
I'd like to bring your attention to something you've done a million times, in different contexts... something that can be tremendously supportive in snapping you back to the Now in more challenging moments.
The "Changing the Scene" technique is particularly helpful when we are getting stuck in a situation, dialogue, or environment when the energy within us feels like it is stalling. This often happens in difficulties with partners and family members, when things become distorted and we remain in an effort to clear things up or make some good progress.
Progress happens in its own moment, and it happens when we are present. When you find yourself feeling stuck in a dynamic with another or in an energy with yourself, tune in with yourself and envision taking yourself physically somewhere else, like going for a walk or to the library or to the beach. Sometimes we must leave to return, and in those moments, leaving is not an escape but an important aspect of self-honoring and returning back to the present moment.
When we Change the Scene, sometimes our return to the present moment happens as soon as we turn the car on and start feeling the wind on our skin. Oh yeah, there's more to life and reality beyond my current (and temporary) circumstances. And then you may notice that your perspective about that current circumstance begins to shift as you arrive more and more into the Now.