When we gather in ceremony—to welcome a newborn, celebrate a marriage, or bid farewell to those we’ve lost—we are fully present to our experience and in touch with the deep meaning that feeds our souls. Imagine how our lives might change if we brought the same loving attention to every “ordinary” moment. This is the invitation of A Ceremony Called Life.
Yes: This book is an invitation to live all of life as the spiritual practice, and a guide into doing so. A Ceremony Called Life welcomes us to explore the wealth of meaning that is revealed when we bring the same loving attention to the mundane and challenging moments as we do the profound and sparkling ones. For anyone ready to rest in a deeper sense of embodied presence and connection, Sky lays out the map of the pervasive truth, beauty, and opportunity that rests in the center of all experience, and in doing so, empowers us to participate wholeheartedly in the Magic and Mystery of our human incarnation.
“To be sure, just because the darkness and the light are equally sacred does not mean we benefit by becoming complacent about the darkness we may meet in ourselves. Ultimately, if we are to cleanse the mirror of perception and purify ourselves, then we must bring light into the darkness. That’s always been the path of consciousness and the movement of illumination. This coexistence of darkness and light indeed creates a dance in which the clarity of light is invited to lead, but it does not create a hierarchy.”
“A Ceremony Called Life is a very worthwhile addition to any truth-seeker’s library. Whether you’re rocking out at a concert, sitting quietly in meditation, skateboarding, practicing yoga, in an argument with a partner, making love, or drinking a damn fine cup of coffee, Tehya Sky will show you how to recognize, embrace, and participate in the sacredness of it all . . . and that's what's up.” ―Chris Grosso, author of Indie Spiritualist and Everything Mind
“A potent and poetic invitation to celebrate this magnificent birth, in all its depthful forms. With its heart-earned wisdom, A Ceremony Called Life calls us into alignment, reminding us that it is ALL a spiritual practice―every passion, every mundanity, every bloody breath. How can it be any other way? Sky’s offering is beautifully inclusive and carries an energy that wholly embodies its message. This is not an author who is feigning wisdom―this is someone who walks her talk. I recommend this book to anyone on the path to greater appreciation and true presence. I loved it!” ―Jeff Brown, author of Soulshaping and An Uncommon Bond
“What I loved most about A Ceremony Called Life was that by the time I had reached the end of it, I felt my heart had been opened in an unexpected way and I was realigned with what it means to feel content. In this book, Sky takes us on a journey into our true selves, helping us to integrate our divinity among the intensity of being human, so that we may live the lives we truly intend to live. I recommend this book for anyone who wishes to fall in love again with what it means to be human.” ―Serena Dyer, author of Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You
“This awesome book is easy to understand, yet is also a deeply poetic transmission. In A Ceremony Called Life, Sky articulates profound life wisdom and truth in a way that resonates with me in an inspiring way! So full of life-changing perspective that I found myself just ‘clicking’ with its potent medicine.” ―Chris Dyer, visionary artist
“What a beautiful, timely book! Sky has an astonishing ability to make sense of what it means to be human. Overflowing with ‘aha’ moments, her words feel like they're pulled from a pep talk with a wise friend. Keep this book with you and use it as daily inspiration to achieve the inner peace you desire. Have your highlighter handy, as you'll be marking up every page! It is a pure joy to read.” ―Whitney Lauritsen, vegan business mentor and healthy living crusader