Return V.2.png

April 14th - April 16th

Enrollment now open!

As an act of service for these times, I am offering Return: a donation-based mentorship circle and virtual workshop to support us during these unprecedented times. We’ll meet 3x over 3 days as an action of responsibility and delight–for our lives, our relations, and our place in the collective. April 14th - April 16th.

Our intention is to Return–to ourselves, to the HereNow, to stand with strength and dignity in the center of the circle of our lives during these intense times. Now we have a collective pause, and we may choose to work with it in this good way of returning.

Return to your center.

Return to yourself.

Return to the Earth.

Return to Life.

We meet in the ways of truth, nourishment, and anchoring presence. Of navigating these times well–in a way that harnesses the transformative energies for embodied wakefulness, joy, and connection with the Earth and each other.

We meet in the spirit of being with “what is”–feeling it, being informed by it, learning from it, without trying to change it. We rest within simplicity–no analysis, no right or wrong, good or bad.

We meet along the path of embodiment & integration: learning how to let the divinity that we are hold and guide our more human, 3-dimensional aspects (emotions, mind, worries, anxieties, etc.). Releasing energy, returning to the heart, arriving more fully in the body.

We meet in the spirit of community: Aware of our interrelatedness to all living things, to the Earth, and to each other. Responsible for our impact.

We meet in the spirit of circling: When we sit in a circle together, we often find that we relate deeply with the sharings of others, and it is almost as if they are speaking for us. That the medicine that they need and bring forth in the circle is also the right antidote for us.

Yes, we must RETURN to our selves, our center, the Earth, Life… and to each other.

During each mentorship circle meeting, Sky will share a talk and then we will open the circle for personal sharings/questions and response from Sky. There will be plenty of engagement.

Return Details:

Who: Everyone

What: Mentorship Circle.

When: April 14 - April 16, 2020

for approximately 1.5-2 hours each day

How: Zoom video conference (link to be provided).

Price: Donation-based or free, if needed

Reserve your spot via the button below. Nothing else is needed to join. You will get instructions about how to access the circle soon.

Recorded meetings will be emailed to all participants after.



Donations are optional and appreciated.

Value is $250 USD. Pay what you can with honor.