Energetic Clearings

for Houses, Rooms, Offices, Land, & Other Spaces

My mother’s house had been on the market for two years. Without even sending a picture, Sky saw issues with the floor plan that created an energetically unwelcoming environment for potential buyers. When she was done shifting the energetic blueprint of the house, the difference was noticeable–and the house SOLD within one month.
— Jeanne Smith

I am now offering energetic cleanses on houses, homes, offices, rooms, parcels of land, and other spaces. After some good success stories, I have been requested to formally offer these sessions, which is a bit amusing to me because it is a pretty funny thing to hire someone to clear a house, no? But all spaces absorb the energy that it contains.

Indeed a home, (and any property or land), holds energy just like anything else. And those who inhabit it develop a distinct relationship (or constellation) with it that often needs to be adjusted to support what’s happening now (like selling, or moving into a new space, etc). For example, someone selling a house may need to adjust their relationship to the house so that they are both free to move on. Or when we move into a new house, we may need to cleanse everything from the land to the walls of the home to restore both to an ‘empty canvas’ position, clear and ready to hold and support the creativity and life that is yours.

What is discovered and resolved in a remote space clearing runs the gamut from releasing energy, soul fragments, thoughts, spirits etc. of those who previously lived there, (whether recently or hundreds of years ago on the land)–to shifting the dynamic of the relationship between the dweller and the space. (The energy work happens without you present, so if you are not into such details, all good.) When you book a session, I will ask you to tell me exactly what you desire, what the outcome you are hoping for from the session–and that will guide my work.

How a session works is with you simply send me either a video or an image of the space(s) you want cleared; the address; along with any details you deem relevant. From there, I let you know when the clearing will happen, so you can pay attention to the shifts as they occur (or soon thereafter). You will receive an email with feedback after the clearing has happened, including any recommendations or meditations that might be necessary to imbue the space with the energy you desire.

I house sat a home with chaotic energy. I felt so much anxiety being there. Sky saw that rather than being a safe container, the house was completely connected to the city with no sealing, thus absorbing the city’s energy. Once Sky did her work on the house, it felt not only safe and calm, but absolutely joyful, light-full, amazing. When the homeowners returned, they couldn’t stop talking about how different and amazing the energy felt!
— Erin Patricia
I was staying at someone else’s house, and I couldn’t understand why I felt so suffocated. Sky saw the home was full of clutter and antiques and did a clearing on the furniture–and the energy totally shifted. When the woman came back, she noticed the change and invited me to come back to cat sit anytime.
— Azul B.

If you have any questions, please message me via the below form or email me directly at hello@tehyasky.com