Sky with her teacher, Carmen Vicente (left), and Mama Michi (right)
I am a mother, healing practitioner, writer/artist, lover/student of life, and author of A Ceremony Called Life (Sounds True, 2016) and picture book Treasure Chest of Kisses (Henrietta, May 2023). To simply be alive and experience this wild and free-wheeling ride of being human is the greatest gift. Becoming a mother added a new dimension to my experience of life, my perspective, and the work I do with others. It is a joy to create works that are devoted to reorienting us back into the profundity of our aliveness, and walking hand-in-hand with you into the hugeness of your destiny of transformation is a passion.
I’m interested in the subtle artistry of life: the shapes we create, the poetry, magic and mysticism that daily life is coursing with. I’m interested in intimacy–with life, with our children, with each other. I’m interested in the work of art of a life we may create with each movement and step we take, how we take it, with what intention–and how quickly we return to center to dance well after a misstep–and how willingly we allow ourselves to burn in the fires, the initiations, the trials of life. The designs we trail into being; the altars we sit at; the path of laughter along the way.
At the moment, I am offering private guidance sessions while I work on my next book of nonfiction.
I am also still offering the Life as Immersive Prayer online program.
Writer, author, and guide Sky Eiko, (formerly known as Tehya Sky), is clairvoyant and, since she was a little girl, has been channeling through writing; working with spirit and light; and communicating with God/the Divine. Having been naturally attuned to the power of belief/perspective since a child, she has remained fascinated by the meeting of mind and soul: that, through the power of our mind and shaping our mind/correcting our focus in positive, truthful ways, we can allow the guidance and vision of our soul's truth to employ the brilliance of the mind to birth the life of our highest vision. This is the theme and focus of her work. The integrated, embodied life.
Sky’s work is guided by a north star of coherence––walking our talk and embodying our practices in all of our relationships and movements.
Published on Ram Dass's blog on the relationship between desire and manifestation, (and desire's spiritual relevance), Sky is a channel, clairvoyant, a metaphysical/transformation guide, healing facilitator, a writer and an author. Her debut book A Ceremony Called Life: When Your Morning Coffee Is as Sacred as Holy Water was released in July 2016 through Sounds True (available for purchase on Amazon).
2006-2010 worked as a talent manager of bands and musicians at leading global company. 2010 left career in search of true meaning. 2010 began dancing in the Moon Dance, Teochantli in Costa Rica with Abuela Ana Carmona. Began attending certain sacramental (plant medicine) ceremonies and indigenous rituals as an occasional but reverent visitor and a guest. Began a near-daily lifelong meditation practice (a North Star of my practice). Began a ThetaHealing practice. 2011 Became a certified ThetaHealing practitioner. Opened a very bespoke, word-of-mouth, private metaphysical-therapy practice. Spent one year living in the Sacred Valley of Peru. 2015 wrote first book “A Ceremony Called Life” in response to the way I saw many Westerners relate to their engagement with plant medicine/”ceremony”/ritual. 2016 A Ceremony Called Life was published. 2017 Became a mother. 2021 began Carmen Vicente’s “School of Secrets” for women and discovered her work as a central altar of my life. 2023 attended first and second Spirit Dance under Carmen Vicente. Treasure Chest of Kisses was published.
Good teachers light the way. I am forever grateful to many. Life, Light, Silence, and Nature, Abuela Ana Carmona, Carmen Vicente, John Welwood, Osho, Mary Oliver, Rumi. Feminine wisdom, indigenous wisdom & Earth practices, the Teochantli Moon Dance, the mysteries of the Woman body&blood, and the understanding of the role and power of our subconscious mind. Nonviolent Communication, Continuum Movement, ThetaHealing. Ritual, meditation, dance/movement, prayer, altars, the chanupa pipe, the Moon, the Sun, the elements, and tantra.